“The connection between Turkey and Hyogo
~ Deepened through mutual support~”
(For International Students, see below for the English version)
2023年2月に発生したトルコ・シリア地震、トルコとシリア南東部に甚大な被害をもたらしました。発生直後に現地に入った国際緊急援助隊とNGO、二つの立場から見た現地の様子、支援について実際に被災地に行かれた講師からお話していただきます 。また、トルコと兵庫は、助け合いの歴史がありました。1999年トルコ地震発生時に兵庫県民から集められた義援金「ひょうごトルコ友愛基金」がどのように活用されたのか、そして未来へどうつながっていくのか、現地トルコから報告していただきます。

イベント名 | 「支え合いで深めた~兵庫とトルコのつながり~」 |
日時 | 2023年9月14日(木)19:00~20:30 |
内容 | プログラム ①「2023年トルコ・シリア地震発生時の緊急援助隊の活躍」 講師:河野由紀子氏(関西センター 開発大学院連携課 職員) ②「2023年トルコ・シリア地震発生時の現地への援助~緊急支援及び復興支援~」 講師:吉椿雅道氏(海外災害援助市民センター 事務局長) ③「1999年トルコ地震発生時の兵庫県民からの支援 講師:横川太氏(公益財団法人兵庫県国際交流協会 専務理事) ④「トルコと兵庫のつながり」 講師:エミン・オズダマル氏(土日基金 副理事長) |
参加費 | 無料 |
定員 | 300人 ※事前申込制 ※先着順 |
申込締切 | 2023年9月12日(火)※定員になり次第、締め切ります。 |
開催方法 | Zoom(オンライン) |
言語 | 日本語 英語(同時通訳あり) |
申し込み | https://forms.office.com/r/hn1DSzdaHd![]() |
詳細 | チラシをご参照ください。 |
共催 | 一般社団法人大学コンソーシアムひょうご神戸、独立行政法人国際協力機構関西センター、兵庫県国際交流協会、JICA海外ボラティアひょうご応援団、日本国際連合協会兵庫県本部 |
後援 | 兵庫県、関西SDGsプラットフォーム |
協力 | (特非)CODE海外災害援助市民センター、土日基金文化センター |
お申込み方法・問い合わせ | お申込み方法:参加申込フォーム(https://forms.office.com/r/hn1DSzdaHd)に必要事項をご記入の上、お申込みください。 ※Formがご利用になれない場合は、メールに(1)氏名(ふりがな)(2)電話番号(3)年齢 (4)属性(職業)をご記入の上、件名を『2023年度 第1回国際協力入門セミナー「支え合いで深めた~兵庫とトルコのつながり」参加希望』として、jicaksic-renkei@jica.go.jp(山本) までお送ください。 お問い合わせ:JICA関西 市民参加協力課 担当:山本 TEL : 090-7180-3718 E-mail: jicaksic-renkei@jica.go.jp [問合せ受付時間:土・日・祝日を除く 10時00分から12時30分まで/13時30分から17時分まで] |
We will introduce the history of mutual support between Turkey and Hyogo Prefecture in the period of natural disasters as well as the support activities that would be continued for the future!
The Turkey-Syria earthquake in February 2023 caused extensive damage in Turkey and southeastern Syria. The Japan Disaster Relief Team and NGOs who entered the disaster area immediately after the outbreak will talk about the situation and support from two perspectives. Also, Turkey and Hyogo have a history of helping each other. The Hyogo Turkish Fellowship Fund, which was collected from the people of Hyogo Prefecture when the 1999 Turkish earthquake occurred, was used and how it will be connected to the future.
Please join us!
Event Name | “The connection between Turkey and Hyogo ~ Deepened through mutual support~” |
Date | Thursday, September 14, 2023 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm |
Program | 1. Response by Japan Disaster Relief Team after the 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake By Ms. Yukiko Kono: JICA Program officer and a Logistician of Japan Disaster Relief Team She is mainly in charge of international students and university collaboration projects at JICA Kansai. She served for the rescue team in response to the 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake. 2. Support for the affected areas by the 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake ~Emergency Relief and Reconstruction Assistance By Mr. Masamichi Yoshitsubaki: Secretary General of Citizens towards Overseas Disaster Emergency (CODE) After working at an NGO supporting indigenous people, he started to involve in NGO’s reconstruction assistance activities for disaster-affected areas in Japan and foreign countries after the occurrence of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. 3. Support by Hyogo Prefecture citizens after Turkey Earthquake in 1999 By Mr. Futoshi Yokokawa: Executive Director General of Hyogo International Association joining Hyogo Prefectural Government Office in 1987, he was assigned to work at JICA Headquarter in 2005 and at JICA Hyogo in 2007-2010. He got involved in “Hyogo-Turkey Earthquake Disaster Risk Reduction Measure Project” as the Representative of Hyogo Representative Office in Paris in 2014-2017. 4. The connection between Turkey and Hyogo ~ Activities by Hyogo Turkey Friendship Fund By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emin Özdamar: -Vice-Chairman of the Turkish Japanese Foundation, Senior Advisor at the JICA Türkiye Office He worked at JICA Türkiye Office for 26 years. During his term, he supported the formulation and implementation of many projects in the field of disaster risk reduction and created many unique activities on disaster education through Hyogo-Turkey Friendship Fund. |
Admission | Free |
Registration Up To | 300 for the first registered participants. |
Registration Deadline | September 12, 2023 |
Location | Zoom (Online) |
Language | Held in Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation) |
How to Apply | https://forms.office.com/r/hn1DSzdaHd![]() |
Details | Please see the attached flyer. |
Organized by | The Consortium of Universities in Hyogo, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA KANSAI), Hyogo International Association, JICA Overseas Volunteer Hyogo Cheering Party, Hyogo Prefectural Chapter of the United Nations Association of Japan |
Endorsed by | Hyogo prefecture, Kansai SDGs Platform |
Supported by | NGO Citizens towards Overseas, Disaster Emergency (CODE), Turkish-Japanese Foundation |
For more information, please contact | Ms. Kanako Yamamoto. Email :jicaksic-renkei@jica.go.jp TEL:090-7180-3718(Weekdays 10:00-12:30, 13:30-17:00) If you cannot use the QR Code, please send an email with your information, ①Name ②Telephone number ③Age ④Occupation and the title “Participate inthe Introductory Seminar to International Cooperation” to this address jicaksic-renkei@jica.go.jp (Ms. Yamamoto) |