神戸大学 日本のメガバンクのビジネス探訪 Kobe University Business Insight Tour of Japanʼs Mega Banks
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation is a leading megabank in Japan, formed by the merger of Sumitomo Bank, part of the Sumitomo Group, and Sakura Bank, part of the Mitsui Group. At the Money Museum, you can explore the history of currency, learn about the basics of banking operations, how banks are managed, and how their services are conducted. Additionally, you can
deepen your knowledge of the history and role of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation.
日時 | 2025年2月13日(木) 13時00分~15時30分 | Date & Time | February 13 (Thu) , 2025; 13:00~15:30 pm |
場 所 | 三井住友銀行 神戸本部 (三井住友銀行 神戸本部玄関 集合) | Place | Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Kobe Headquarter (Meet up at Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Kobe Headquarters, Entrance ) |
参加費 | 無料 | Fee | Free |
対象・人数 | 兵庫県在住または県下の学校に通う留学生 先着20名まで | Applicants/Capacity | International students living in Hyogo prefecture or attending schools in Hyogo prefecture/20persons. First-come/first-served basis |
申込URL | https://forms.gle/ex6HtB1uwbVLBDyY7 | application | https://forms.gle/ex6HtB1uwbVLBDyY7 |
問い合わせ先 | 神戸大学グローバル教育センター 池田尋斗 h.ikeda@people.kobe-u.ac.jp | contact information | Kobe University Global Education Center h.ikeda@people.kobe-u.ac.jp |
申込締切 | 2025年2月6日 | deadline | February 6 (Thu), 2025 |