Team G-Naviオンラインミーティング



開催日 2020年5月1日(金)9:00~10:00
開催 WEB会議システム(ZOOM)
対象 日本人大学生、留学生など
申込方法 下記の申し込みフォームにご入力ください。
申込締切 当日参加申込可

Dear All,

Now we are planning to have an 2nd Online Meeting at Zoom Virtual Room on this Friday, May 1st, from 9:00am to 10:00am (See attached files in English & Japanese).

Under Hyogo’s stay-at-home order during the COVID-19 outbreak, we’d be glad if you come and join us to share your experiences and thoughts.

Date 1st May, Friday, from 9:00am-10:00am
Venue Zoom Virtual Meeting Room
Participants University students and adults
For sign-up Please enter the information into the online form below.
Closing date 1st May

Team G-Naviオンラインミーティング 申込フォーム

  All items are required for entry.

Name in kanji or alphabet
男性 Male 
女性 Female
その他 Other  
回答しない Do not answer 
Please write down the reason for the application.
Please write if you have any expectations for
this training or what you want to challenge in the future.

※The personal information you provided will be used to respond to your inquiries or question and to provide information from the Consortium of Universities in Hyogo. Thank you for your understanding.