Team G-Navi オンラインサロンLet’s talk!


毎週水曜日にZoomでTeam G-Naviオンラインサロンを開いています。
是非Team G-Naviオンラインサロン”Let’s talk!”に来てみませんか?

開催日 6月3日(水)から毎週水曜日
開催 WEB会議システム(ZOOM)
対象 留学生(大学生・大学院生など)
使用言語 英語・日本語 その他
申込方法 下記の申し込みフォームにご入力ください。
申込締切 当日参加申込可

Dear All,
Now we have a Team G-Navi Weekly Online Salon “Let’s talk!” at Zoom Virtual Room from this Wednesday, June 3rd from 9:30am to 10:30am. Every week we pick a theme and share our thoughts on it. Also you can plan and organize a new event with other Team G-Navi’s members. Why don’t you come and join us for Team G-Navi Weekly Online Salon and “Let’s talk!”

Date Starting June 3rd, every Wednesday, 9:30am-10:30am
Only in August: 10:00AM-11:00AM
Venue Zoom Virtual Meeting Room
Language Japanese, English and other languages
Participants International Students (University and Graduate students)
For sign-up Fill out required information into the online form.

Team G-Navi オンラインサロンLet’s talk! 申込フォーム

  All items are required for entry.

Name(first name/ last name)
first name

middle name

last name
男性 Male 
女性 Female
その他 Other  
回答しない Do not answer 
Please write down the reason for the application.
Team G-Naviメンバーとして期待することがあれば、お書きください。
Please write if you have any expectations as a Team G-Navi member.
Please write if you have any activities of The Consortium of Universities in Hyogo which you would like to participate in.

国際交流/international exchange 語学交流/language exchange
就職活動/job hunting 防災活動/disaster management

※The personal information you provided will be used to respond to your inquiries or question and to provide information from the Consortium of Universities in Hyogo. Thank you for your understanding.