日本学生支援機構委託事業 国際交流拠点推進事業
Project for Promoting a hub of International Exchange, JASSO

Minecraft HUG Workshop -Disaster Prevention x Games-



開催日時 2021年3月11日(木) 13:00~16:00
対象 留学生・日本人学生・社会人の方、どなたでもご参加ください。
会場 マインクラフトによるオンライン会場。
定員 15人程度(先着順)
参加費 無料(マインクラフトはご自身で準備ください)
使用言語 日本語
対象 誰でも参加できます(学生、留学生、社会人、年齢・所属不問)
申込方法 大学コンソーシアムひょうご神戸HP上の申込みフォームに必要事項を記入の上、お申込みください。追ってZoom IDとパスワードをメールにてご案内いたします。
申し込みフォームはこちら →
チラシPDF →
お問い合わせ 大学コンソーシアムひょうご神戸
共催 大学コンソーシアムひょうご神戸・関西学院大学栗田研究室

<What is a Micra HUG?>

Ever wondered what actually comes next in your evacuation center even if you’ve participated in any emergency drill before?
To experience how to manage it virtually, Disaster Prevention team of Kurita Seminar, Faculty of Economics of Kwansei Gakuin University invented “Micra HUG”, an online disaster prevention game, in which we integrated “Minecraft”, a user-friendly 3D video game, with “HUG”, an evacuation center management board game!

Micra HUG PV

Date/Time Mar.11th Thursday,13:00-16:00
Participants Anyone is welcome (it's just a game, so anyone can have fun!):
International students, Japanese students, working adults etc.
Venue In Minecraft (an Online video game by Microsoft) Come to our online venue Minecraft directly.Also have ready access to Minecraft & Zoom in advance.(If you are a Minecraft newcomer, please let us know by email by March 8, and we will contact you for more details).
Language Japanese
Capacity Around 15 participants (first-come-first-served basis)
Participation Fee Free of charge (Please prepare Minecraft by yourself)
For Sign-up Please fill out an application form on the website of The Consortium of Universities in Hyogo. Later you’ll receive an Zoom ID and password by e-mail. If you have any trouble in Minecraft setups, feel free to ask us for help!
Scan a QR code & fill out required information into an online form
Inquiries  The Consortium of Universities in Hyogo
TEL: 078-271-0233 (Ms.Nakamizu)
Email : gnavi@consortium-hyogo.jp
Co-organized by The Consortium of Universities in Hyogo and Kurita Seminar of Kwansei Gakuin University
Co-organized by The Consortium of Universities in Hyogo and Kurita Seminar of Kwansei Gakuin University

※The personal information you provided will be used to respond to your inquiries or question and to provide information from the Consortium of Universities in Hyogo. Thank you for your understanding.

Team G-Navi申込フォーム Application Form for Team G-Navi

  All items are required for entry.

Name in
kanji or
first name

middle name

last name

男性 Male 
女性 Female
その他 Other  
回答しない Do not answer 
Please write
down the
reason for the
About equipment to be used on the day
Please write if you have any activities of The Consortium of Universities
in Hyogo which you would like to participate in.
国際交流/international exchange
語学交流/language exchange
就職活動/job hunting
防災活動/disaster management

※The personal information you provided will be used to respond to your inquiries or question and to provide information from the Consortium of Universities in Hyogo. Thank you for your understanding.